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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

UF Student-Led Literature COVID-19 Memoir Project

University of Florida Students, your voice matters, and we invite you to join us in creating something extraordinary. We are excited to announce the opportunity for you to contribute to the UF Student-Led Literature COVID-19 Memoir—an impactful project that reflects on the profound impact of COVID-19. This is your chance to share your unique perspective through creative literature and be part of a remarkable collective endeavor.


Here's how you can make your mark:


Submit your COVID-19 creative literature: Share your thoughts, emotions, and experiences related to the pandemic. Whether it's poetry, prose, artwork, or any other form of creative expression, we welcome your contributions. Submit your work through the user-friendly Google Form below. You will have to sign into your google account. 



 Craft a collective memoir: Your submissions will be thoughtfully curated and collected to create a powerful memoir that captures the resilience and unity of our university community during this challenging period. Together, we will weave a tapestry of stories that inspire, reflect, and foster understanding.


Showcase your voice: To be featured in our upcoming event, please submit your work by July 28, 2023. Selected pieces will be highlighted during the event, providing you with an opportunity to share your creativity and be celebrated by an engaged audience. Your submissions will be integrated into the poetry segment, creating a truly impactful experience.


UF Student-Led Literature Memoir: We plan to showcase our collective work on the UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) webpage—a dedicated space that honors your contributions and serves as a lasting memorial to the impact of COVID-19 on our university community.


Why should you embrace this opportunity?


Amplify your voice: Your creative work has the power to inspire, provoke thought, and ignite change. By sharing your story, you contribute to a broader conversation surrounding COVID-19 and its impact.


Foster connection and empathy: Your experiences can resonate deeply with others, fostering connections and empathy within our university community. Through your words, you have the power to bring people together and build understanding.


Leave a lasting legacy: Your creative expressions will become part of a memoir that will be cherished and remembered. Your work will inspire future generations and serve as a testament to the strength and resilience of our university community.


Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to contribute to the UF Student-Led Literature Memoir. Submit your work today using the convenient Google Form at COVID-19: Memoir Submission Form. Remember, to be featured in the event, submit by July 28, 2023. 


The event, "Memorial for a disease - COVID: Dialogues, Drama & Documentaries", will occur over the three-day time period: July 31-August 2. There will be six interactive sessions - with two sessions per day - one at 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM & another from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. The planned location is the Turlington Language Studio.


Those who submit may be eligible to present their work if they please.


For more event information, view the following link:


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out at ikaela.gerzensht@ufl


Thank you for sharing your unique voice and being an integral part of our university's creative journey.

Point of Contact:


Isabelle Gerzenshtein

Rising Junior

COVID: Memorial for a Disease Intern

Microbiology & Psychology Undergraduate Student

University of Florida

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