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Friday, August 16, 2024

Invitation to Virtual Career Fair in Neuroscience and Society (Sept 9-12, 2024)

Hello! I hope this email finds you well. My name is Chinmayi, and I am a Research Assistant for the Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society (neuroXcareers.org). 

I am writing with an invitation and opportunity for your students to participate in our free Virtual Career Fair in Neuroscience and Society from September 9-12, 2024. This event will feature professionals discussing interdisciplinary fields related to neuroscience, including but not limited to neurolaw, neuroeconomics, neuromarketing, neuroethics, and neuroscience and public health.
The Career Network’s mission is to broaden and diversify the community of scholars and practitioners in these emerging fields, which risk becoming insular without active recruitment of new voices. As such, we are particularly focused on reaching students in schools and regions that have not previously been exposed to these opportunities. Our goal is to connect students with further opportunities and foster new careers in the neuroscience and society space.  

Event Details:
  • Date and Time: September 9-12, 2024 from 7-9 pm Eastern on Zoom
  • Format: The first hour of each night will feature 3-5 speakers providing a brief introduction to their work and career trajectory. This will be followed by open discussion and in the second hour, breakout room networking opportunities for students.
  • Audience: Based on last year’s experience, we anticipate several hundreds of students from diverse backgrounds to be in attendance.

To stay informed about our events, news, and opportunities in neuroscience and society, we offer an email newsletter. The subscription page is available here.  
Best wishes,
Chinmayi Balusu, MPH
Research Assistant, Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society

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