Please note: The Pre-Health opportunities and information shared to the UF Pre-Health Buzz Blog are NOT affiliated with the University of Florida.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

UF in Cusco Summer 2017

Hello, students:

Some (or many!) of you may remember receiving messages from me last year regarding the UF in Cusco (Peru) – Service Learning for the Health Professions summer study abroad program.  I am the Undergraduate Advisor in Spanish, and one of the Directors of the program.  Whether you received those messages or are new to this list, I am pleased to tell you that the inaugural 2016 version of the program was a phenomenal success.  16 students went on the first-time program, and had the time of their lives!  I am sure they will all tell you that UF in Cusco achieved a solid balance between academics, culture and just plain fun.  J  Or, to repeat one of the phrases that was said/shouted on numerous occasions, we were just “blown away” by all that we experienced! 

If the same type of experience is something you seek, please come see us (2017 faculty and students who went in 2016) at the UF Study Abroad Fair, on Wednesday, September 21st, from 10:00-3:00, at the Reitz Union.

Also, one of the student from the UF in Cusco Class of 2016 (Gaby Lobban), has created a fantastic website to showcase the program.  It is not the UFIC official website, but it does include all pertinent information + lots of photos and video regarding the program.  It also includes links to the important UFIC sites (program flyer, application site, etc.).  These links are currently for 2016, but when they are updated by the UFIC for 2017 (which will occur in September, around the date of the Fair), Gaby will update her website to reflect the (very minimal) changes.

Here’s the unofficial student-oriented site:  www.ufincusco.weebly.com

Looking forward to you joining us this summer!

Please contact me with any questions, and feel free to friend me on Facebook me to check out a ton of UF in Cusco photos.  J

Take care,

Dr. Moreland

P.S.  Note that the pre-requisites (completion by end of Spring 2017) are as follows:  to take SPN 3948 (Service Learning for the Health Professions) in Cusco, you need to complete SPN 2200 (or equivalent) beforehand; to take ZOO 4956 (Emerging Disease in the Americas), you need to have completed BSC 2011 and 2011L, or equivalent.

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