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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Seeking presenters and volunteers! Submit an abstract by this Friday.

F3S is an interdisciplinary, graduate-student led organization at UF, planning the Annual Conference of the Social Sciences to be held at the Reitz Union Saturday, April 15th, 2017. In the past years, students from dozens of programs the College of the Liberal Arts & Sciences have presented a paper or poster at F3S’s Annual Conference. CLAS is a long-time supporter and co-sponsor of the Annual CSS, and CLAS graduate students have a long history of helping to organize, publicize, and manage the conference. This year’s keynote speaker is Prof. Carla Shedd of Columbia University.  This year’s conference theme, From Social Problems to Social Promise, highlights the role of scholarship and interdisiciplinarity in shaping how we view and act on society and community, for better or worse. Sessions range from anthropology to zoology to literature to psychology to mathematics and back again, and presenters come from across the state of Florida! The conference will be of interest to diverse CLAS students who hope to cultivate, or showcase, the social impacts of their work.

 Advanced undergraduate students (and graduate students) in diverse fields are invited to submit a brief abstract by March 17th, 2017. Students may choose to

  • present Power Point Style. Papers will be grouped with two or three other papers around a single topic/theme, and presenters may request to be grouped with specific colleagues. Paper abstracts will be entered into a “Best Paper” contest, with awards given to first, second, and third place winners. Papers will be judged by quality of abstract, quality of visual and verbal presentation, and potential impacts.
  • present Poster Style. Poster sessions will be more broadly interdisciplinary. Posters will be entered into a “Best Poster” contest for two categories: Empirical Works and Conceptual Works, with prizes for first, second, and third place winners in each category. Posters will be judged by quality of visual and verbal presentation, and potential impacts.
    Students in any field and at any level are invited to volunteer to help on conference day, or to help publicize the conference in the coming weeks. To volunteer, or find out more, students should email Morgan Sanchez (morgan06@ufl.edu), F3S Vice President and Volunteer Coordinator.
    Students who would like to learn more should email or attend F3S’s next meeting: Friday, March 17th at 11:40 – 12:30, with refreshments and giveaways to follow.

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