Please note: The Pre-Health opportunities and information shared to the UF Pre-Health Buzz Blog are NOT affiliated with the University of Florida.

Friday, September 4, 2020

ACLM Trainees: News for August | LM2020 Student Pricing!



LM2020 Trainee Scholarships


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October 22-25, 2020

Virtual Conference


The American College of Lifestyle Medicine has offered unprecedented scholarships for Trainees to attend this year’s conference. They have generously awarded 250 scholarships, with an astounding 210 scholarships going to Trainees who have never attended an ACLM conference before. With a variety of Trainees attending LM2020, from bachelor and international students, to medical students and residents, Lifestyle Medicine is sure to reach the ears of the next generation of health care professionals.


Trainees can still register to attend LM2020 at a discounted rate by filling out this form to submit enrollment or employment verification.


ACLM Trainee Member Registration: $49

Non-Member Registration: $99


Membership BONUS:

Join the growing community of Lifestyle Medicine Trainees by becoming an active ACLM Member before October 15th and we will waive the $25 new member registration fee! ACLM Trainees pay an annual membership fee of only $55. Become a member ($55) and register for LM2020 ($49 member rate) for a total of only $104.


You will be required to verify your enrollment status through your academic institution free of charge, or by visiting the Student Clearing House and pay a $2.50 processing fee. Residents will need to submit a signed letter of employment.





Submit a Poster Presentation


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LM2020 Poster Presentations

Calling all Trainees working on research related to Lifestyle Medicine!


Poster Presentations for the Lifestyle Medicine 2020 conference are now being accepted through October 15, 2020. Poster abstracts may be selected for one of eight 15-minute presentations to be given at the conference. Oral presenters should plan for approximately 10-12 minutes of speaking followed by 3-4 minutes of questions.


Additionally, four posters will receive awards for excellence, with two of these awards reserved for Trainees.


All authors are encouraged to read and fully understand the submission guidelines before submitting a presentation. Visit www.lifestylemedicineconference.org to submit your research. You may want to submit research in any of the following categories:


Presentation type

  • Original Research
  • Clinical Vignette / Case Report
  • Developments in Clinical Practice
  • **Evidence Review

Presentation topic

  • Nutrition
  • Physical Activity
  • Mental Health (e.g. stress, sleep, tobacco, substance abuse, etc.)
  • Clinical (e.g. heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, renal, oral health, maternal/ infant/ child health, reproductive/ sexual health, preventive services etc.)
  • Connectedness and Health (e.g. social connections, relationships, family, positive psychology etc.)
  • Global (e.g. environment, healthcare disparities/ access to health services, social determinants, rural, economics etc.)
  • Education (e.g. patient empowerment, behavior science, academia, student/ physician education etc.)
  • Innovation/ Business (e.g. strategies, systems, practice models, technology, novel initiatives etc.)
  • Miscellaneous (above categories don’t fit)

**Trainees and students may submit evidence reviews (though these will be less likely to receive awards, and will not be eligible to be considered for oral presentations)



Submit Today!



Resources to Bring Lifestyle Medicine to Your Community!


Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine: A Presentation Series -


An installation of four PowerPoints that introduce the idea and pillars of lifestyle medicine. This resource can be used as the framework for a series of Lifestyle Medicine events to introduce your home institution to the concept of Lifestyle Medicine and garner interest in your LMIG. Start with the Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine slide deck, then in following events incorporate the Nutrition, Exercise, and Behavioral Health slide decks. Thorough speaker notes attached to each slide make it easy to give an engaging and informative presentation.





Calling all Medical Students and Residents

The Trainee Executive Board is launching a *NEW* Mentorship interview series, and we need your quick input! One of our VPs of Communication will be conducting short, down-to-earth interviews with MDs/DOs of various specialties, and asking what lifestyle medicine looks like in their practice. Is this of interest? What specialties do you want to see represented? What do you want us to ask?? Please fill out our brief and anonymous survey to help us make this as helpful as possible for you.


Trainees on Social


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This post highlighted the Orientation Day event held by Loma Linda University Health for incoming Family and Preventive Medicine residents. The photos showcase the incoming residents spending time together, their delicious WFPB lunch, and an example of an exercise prescription. The residents enjoyed learning about setting personal wellbeing goals, building resilience, and interviewing in a motivational manner!


Follow us on social media @ACLMTrainees




Get Your SWAG!


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Have you checked out the ACLM Store?

Visit lifestylemedstore.com to check out the ACLM products, books, and wearables available for purchase!

All proceeds from the ACLM store are donate to Trainees!


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