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Monday, July 17, 2017

Balance180 Hands-On Volunteer Opportunity 7/18-7/28!!!!


My name is Natalie Ziev and I am the Summer Camp Volunteer Coordinator for Balance180 Gymnastics & Sports Academy. We are a local non-profit organization that focuses on integrating children with varying abilities through sports. This summer we are running our fourth annual summer camp, and are looking for volunteers that are excited to work with children with special needs!

Our inclusive summer camp provides a great hands-on learning experience for student volunteers. All of our volunteers work 1-1 or 2-1 with the participating camps (ages 5-15 years) in a wide range of activities including gymnastics, crafts, and games. They help our athletes make new friends, learn new motor skills, and encourage them to try new activities. The athletes have a range of diagnoses including Autism, Down Syndrome, ADD/ADHD, and Cerebral Palsy among others.

Summer camp will be offered from July 10th to July 28th and will be held Monday - Friday. Volunteers are needed in the morning from 8:30am-12:30pm and in the afternoon from 12:305:30pm. No gymnastics experience required to volunteer! Volunteers can sign up for any week or specific days and time windows, whatever works best for your schedule.

To volunteer, please fill out this morning application and/or this afternoon application with your background experiences, summer availability. Note that you do not need to commit to all dates for camp; however, we do ask that you sign up in advance for the specific days you are available. Once we have your information we will send you follow-up logistical information and the appropriate paperwork to complete.

We are so excited to be offering an inclusive camp again this summer for children in the Gainesville community, and we hope that some of you may be able to share in this wonderful experience! We would appreciate your help with spreading the word on this opportunity. If you have any questions you can email us at balance180summercamp@gmail.com.

Best wishes and thank you in advance for your support,

Natalie for the Balance180 Team
Natalie Ziev | Summer Camp Volunteer Coordinator

Balance 180 Gymnastics & Sports Academy

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