Please note: The Pre-Health opportunities and information shared to the UF Pre-Health Buzz Blog are NOT affiliated with the University of Florida.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Pre-Professional Service Organization (PSO) Application


Applications for the Pre-Professional Service Organization (PSO) are open for the Fall 2021 Application Cycle!

The Pre-Professional Service Organization is a prestigious student-run service organization that provides exceptional undergraduate pre-health students with a glimpse of this interconnected future. PSO uniquely caters to students of all pre-professional tracks, including but not limited to (pre-) medicine, physician assistant, nursing, veterinary medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pharmacy, and more. By fostering such a distinguished atmosphere of diversity and inclusivity in pre-health, PSO promotes the same connectivity found between healthcare fields. We offer members numerous professional development resources, volunteer opportunities, social events, and more. Applications are due Tuesday, September 7th at 11:59pm. 

Applications can be accessed via this link: https://forms.gle/Yex1mwTS7B4QHBxs7

: Pre Dental Students - Join American Student Dental Association!



If you're thinking about a career in dentistry, consider joining UF Pre-Dental American Student Dental Association (ASDA)! We offer a wide range of events to gain more knowledge and experience in the dental field, build connections with dentists and non-profit organizations, and so much more. Most importantly, joining the ASDA family means you get to be a part of a great community of pre-dents with similar goals and interests!


Our first General Body Meeting (GBM) is on September 7 at 7:15PM on Zoom. Until then, make sure to follow us on IG @ufpredental and join our GroupMe here to keep up with the latest updates: https://groupme.com/join_group/47934002/OrwvV784 

Hope to see you at our GBM, have a great semester!



Alina Chen 

UF Predental ASDA | 2021-22 Treasurer 



Monday, August 30, 2021

Fall Internship Opportunity at Georgetown School of Medicine


Dear Pre-Med Advisors, Staff and Faculty Members: 


We'd like to share this exciting opportunity with you and your students, please forward this opportunity to those in your networks. 

This fall, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the Georgetown University School of Medicine is offering exciting internship positions for undergraduates and graduate students interested in being part of a dynamic, student-led team.

The Innovation Associate Program explores diversity strategies in education, medicine, health care and policy work at the Georgetown University School of Medicine. For more information, please visit our website: https://som.georgetown.edu/diversityandinclusion/college-and-high-school-internships/team/


The deadline for Fall 2021 applications is September 13 at 9AM EST. Link to application: https://forms.gle/6kgWonRBVEGDx2Bt8 





Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Georgetown University School of Medicine                  Address: Med-Dent, A-114-116                                  3900 Reservoir Rd NW, Washington, DC 20007  T: (202) 687-1645 

ODEI Website  ODEI Facebook   ODEI Twitter

Follow us! @diversegumed


Balance 180 Hands-On Volunteer Opportunity!!


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Delta Delta Sigma


Are you a pre-dental student interested meeting like-minded students? Delta Delta Sigma is the University of Florida’s Pre-Dental Honor Society. We pride ourselves in providing our members various volunteer, social, and leadership opportunities.


Our applications open on Friday, August 27th and close on Saturday, September 11th. In order to apply you must visit our website (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__ufdds.org_&d=DwIGaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=CHLa27YgFX7S30oYwO-hoWCXDnZWyzy54VzPv8AUO_4&m=q9w9hWgPcBWvNbreGCOYu0oBOm-zqwksEbU0IZYkWE8&s=9-UvhIOoumd3BCGM-YVNVA700_EHGnrhzUHxcyEqz-c&e= ) and find the application under “Membership Information”. We hope to hear from many of you soon!


If you have any questions regarding our organization or the selection process feel free to email us at ufddspr@gmail.com