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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

NATL enhancement internship

Interested in learning how to manage and helping to enhance Florida ecosystems?
The UF Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL) is looking for an intern to perform a project to enhance NATL infrastructure.
Possible projects are open to suggestion but include improving our visibility, preparation of educational materials, or improving our knowledge of NATL’s biota.


Job responsibilities: 
● Project based responsibilities
● Attend weekly meetings 
● Group activities – service days, tours, tabling etc.
Please complete the attached application form and provide your resume.
For more information or to apply contact natl@ufl.edu
Deadline for applications is March 21st 2019.
Dr Emma NI Weeks
Assistant Research Scientist
UF Entomology and Nematology Dept.
Gainesville, FL, 32611
Phone: 352-273-3954

University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory

2019 NATL Enhancement Intern


We are looking for an intern to complete a project that will enhance the information infrastructure of the Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL). We seek an intern to complete a project that will produce useful new information about NATL or will improve access to what is already known.


Who is eligible? UF students, that will not graduate until Fall 2019 or later and will be in Gainesville during the summer.



The student must prepare an application and submit an electronic version by email. The application deadline is March 21st 2019


Examples of suitable projects

The projects listed below are provided to illustrate the type and scope of projects that demonstrate what we are looking for, however we are open to any project that enhances the usefulness of NATL for teaching or research. 

  • Look at seasonal cycles in NATL and put together a visual presentation (video or sign).
  • Narrated virtual tours of nature trails.
  • Evaluate how SEEP plays a role in the Hogtown Creek and Lake Alice Watersheds.
  • Prepare a NATL video that could attract visitors to NATL’s table during events.
  • Update the list and prepare a searchable database of NATL’s vascular plants.
  • Prepare materials to highlight NATL’s interesting organisms, e.g. endangered species.
  • Design a table display for NATL to use at events such as ButterflyFest and Earth Day.
  • Catalog and provide a management plan for invasive aquatic plants in NATL.
  • Feel free to be creative!  Propose your own idea that could enhance the information infrastructure of NATL
    How applications are evaluated
    Proposals will be circulated among NAAC members. Members will have one week to discuss proposal merits and a second week to vote and make a final decision. By April 18th the applicants will be notified of the funding decisions. 
    Fiscal details
    The award consists of $1000 to be spent on intern salary ($10 ph) and $200 (negotiable) for supplies that can be purchased for the project. The salary can be spent in any way that makes sense to the project, such as 5 weeks at 20 hours per week, 10 weeks at 10 hours per week or 20 weeks at 5 hours per week.

    2019 NATL Enhancement Intern
  •  Program - Application Instructions
    Applications must be submitted by March 21st 2019 as an MS Word or PDF file attached to an email message to natl@ufl.edu. 
    To be considered, submissions must include the bold-faced items indicated below, and consist of no more than three pages.
    Academic classification
    Graduation Date
    UF e-mail address
    Postal address
    Phone number(s)
    Experience or training related to proposed project
    Title of project
    Project summary- Should be no more than 150 words.
    Starting date.
    Completion date
    Description of project
    Describe objectives, procedures, and any potential lasting impacts on NATL.  Provide a budget that details how funds will be spent. Describe how many hours per week you would work on the project. Tell what will be achieved by the completion date of the project and how the results of the project will be of value to future users of NATL. All results must be delivered in digital format so they can be posted on the NATL web site at http://natl.ifas.ufl.edu. Results may be delivered as a report or another deliverable, poster, flyer, sign etc.
    Provision for periodic communication with NAAC administration
    The intern will be expected to attend weekly NATL operations committee meetings as much as possible. We also expect grantees to provide updates and pictures of their work for our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.

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