Please note: The Pre-Health opportunities and information shared to the UF Pre-Health Buzz Blog are NOT affiliated with the University of Florida.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Internship Opportunity and Data from BroadStreet


The COVID-19 pandemic is a globally historic event. The COVID-19 Data Project is a data sharing initiative by BroadStreet and has gathered community-level data on:

·  COVID-19 cases and deaths plus

·  Policy data. More than 6,000 COVID-19 executive orders

·  Health equity data. We have 1 year of full data on cases by race and ethnicity

·  Vaccine data. Vaccination data by county.

Want to learn about our internship opportunities?

·  More information is available https://learn.broadstreet.io/internships/

·  We are hosting an informational session this week: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcocuurqz0sGNduh6icCYVYiZFzjb7oOUXK

Want to view and download our public data?

·  Download for free on Github: https://github.com/BroadStreet-Health

·  Video tutorial and walk-through: https://youtu.be/rLT61aP9oJw

Please let us know if you have any more questions!


Tracy Flood MD, PhD
CEO & Co-founder of BroadStreet

BroadStreet Health LLC | 10437 W Innovation Drive STE B34 | Milwaukee, WI 53226
We respect your inbox. We are reaching out to researchers, professors, and premed advisors regarding updates for BroadStreet.

Honors Thesis Study


Hello everyone! 


My name is Kendall Robinson, and I am a student at the University of Florida. I am in the process of conducting research for my Honors Thesis.  


My research mentor, Dr. Andrea Guastello, and I are conducting research on the impacts of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in undergraduate students in Florida. This study has been approved by the University of Florida’s Institutional Review Board for human subjects research (#IRB202100638). Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and your responses will remain anonymous. It should only take about 5-10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. If you would like to participate in this study, you can use the link below to access the questionnaire.  


You will not receive any compensation for participating in this study; however, your participation will allow us to advance our understanding of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in undergraduate students. 


If you have any questions, please contact our Principal Investigator for this study: 

Andrea Guastello, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Florida, aguastello@ufl.edu 





Kendall Robinson


Monday, July 26, 2021

Premed AMSA Summer B Interest Meeting


Premed AMSA Summer B Interest Meeting


Are you a pre-health student?

Do you want to be part of a community of like-minded individuals with similar goals?

Are you interested in receiving opportunities & benefits to help you get into medical school?


If you answered ‘YES’ to any of these questions, then come out to our Summer B Interest Meeting to learn more about how AMSA can become your fAMSA!


Learn about how you can get involved in one of our 12 health-related committees in the LARGEST pre-health student organization on campus.


When: Wednesday, July 28th, 2021 at 7 PM

Where: On Zoom! 

Zoom link: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/98415484439?pwd=UXBudExadVdlWm1Vc0U2Zjl1bFh0Zz09&fbclid=IwAR1oqu4YXtXS8JO1Z0iEbLzFUsPaLhcjP9-Keexpdc9LlbgN4HLg2kHAmhk#success

If you cannot enter the meeting, do not worry! We will be streaming it live on Youtube. 


Other Ways to Connect with Us:


Premed AMSA Website

Visit our website at www.uflamsa.com! Get updated on all things Premed AMSA-related and see what we have to offer you. It now includes a page to learn more about your Director and Executive Board, a way to check how many points you currently have, forums to communicate with other members, and an events calendar so you don’t miss out on great opportunities, & more!

Also, please let us know what you think so we can better serve you. Contact Mia Raducci at secretary.uflamsa@gmail.com or Anthony Nguyen at webmaster.uflamsa@gmail.com.


Premed AMSA Facebook Group

If you have a Facebook account, we strongly encourage you to join our Facebook group! Just search "AMSA" in the UF Network or "PreMed AMSA" to get reminders about upcoming events, ask any questions you might have, and connect with other AMSA members. Ask your committee directors about Facebook groups designated for your specific committee.


Participate in Polls and Q&As on our Instagram

Follow us @uflamsa for updates, Q&As, and more!


Who Do I Contact?

If you have any questions about anything AMSA-related, please email Mia Raducci at secretary.uflamsa@gmail.com. This email was set up specifically for AMSA members to voice their concerns, ask questions, etc. so please remember to use it when you have any questions.



Mia Raducci
University of Florida, Class of 2023
General Psychology Major
Secretary, UFL Premed AMSA 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Solace recruitment announcement


Hey fellow gators! 


I am the Chief of Membership for a new organization at UF called Solace. This is an exciting time because we are accepting new members for the upcoming fall semester!!! 


Members of Solace volunteer with the elderly population both in and out of Shands Hospital.  Our members are dedicated and passionate about helping spread joy to the elderly community.  At Shands we work hand in hand with the Admission Discharge Transition Unit (ADTU) and contribute to their hospital room atmosphere by creating seasonal crafts and activities as well as directly interacting with patients. Solace is unique because we are the only UF based organization working with geriatric care within Shands. 


From July 19th to July 30th we will have applications open for anyone interested in joining our family. Students of any major can join! For more information, please attend our info session on July 23rd at 7 pm. If you cannot attend, please visit our website (https://www.ufsolace.org/ ) or Instagram page (@solaceatuf) where you can watch a recording of our information session and keep up on important dates! Hope to see you all soon and introduce you to our solace family! Feel free to contact me at ufsolace.membership@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you so much for your time! 



Adriana Kanarek

SOLACE’s Chief of Membership


Thursday, July 15, 2021

M3 scholarship


M3 scholarship will be opening applications in about 20-30 days. 


 Andrew (AJ) Tucker

Anesthesia, PGY-1

University of Florida